Sunday, September 30, 2012

Simple Sunday.

Matthew Mayfield , C.S. Lewis and beautiful autumnal weather...Perfect :)

Photo credit: Sean Dougherty
Also, rediscovering Sean's Facebook album from last fall filled with gorgeous photos. 
Fall is the best season. No debate necessary.

Have a wonderful day! God Bless!

Friday, September 28, 2012

O Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!

I've had the great blessing to go to a school for the past three years on the campus of Sacred Heart of Jesus parish. The parish there focuses a lot on devotion to the Sacred Heart (for obvious reasons.) Being able to participate in this has really boosted my spiritual life because it's changed the way I think about Jesus and about God's love and made me love the practice of devotion to the Sacred Heart.

First off, because the Sacred Heart is constant. Constancy is a big thing for me right now, because my life seems so chaotic and I long so much for something that stays the same. Jesus' Sacred Heart has a steady heartbeat that pours out more love on us with every beat. In his heart we find steadiness and peace. It's kind of a paradox that we can kind find such peace and stillness in something that's always moving and pouring out more grace upon us. 

Something else that struck me is that Jesus always suffers with us when we suffer, and that his Sacred Heart feels the same pain that ours does. (John 19:34) "But one of the soldiers pierced his side with a spear, and immediately blood and water came out." It was when the soldier pierced his heart that Christ's passion was completed and His love for us fulfilled. He allowed his heart to be opened so that we could enter into it and participate in the life of God.

Jesus gave his life for us and he continues to give his heart to us every day in the Holy Eucharist. We're so blessed to have a God who truly gives everything for us and became the poorest of the poor out of love for us. "For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you might become rich."

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

“You must know that when you ‘hail’ Mary, she immediately greets you! Don’t think that she is one of those rude women of whom there are so many—on the contrary, she is utterly courteous and pleasant. If you greet her, she will answer you right away and converse with you!”
- Saint Bernardine of Siena

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

That Awesome Moment When...

- ...the weather is gorgeous, fall like and makes me want to curl up with a book and a cup of coffee :)
- ...I really really enjoy book I'm assigned for English. It's C.S. Lewis' Till We Have Faces -- I love it!
- ...I actually do my homework o.0 It's just an awesome feeling to be on top of things.
- ...MY 11AM CLASS GETS CANCELED! yay! I had been falling asleep in my first class today and so wasn't looking forward to my long philosophy class; but then, as I was trudging up the stairs, a girl in my class called out to me and told me class was canceled. oohh yea :P
- ...there's Latin Mass today.
- ...people are nice to me and let me crash in their room because there may be a snake loose in my room. duh duh duuuuuhhhhh.
- ...there is no longer a snake in my dorm room! ( I think...)
Have a great day :) God Bless.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Friday Nights

So last night my friends Molly and Danielle reserved the dorm kitchen&dining room and we had a nice 'homemade' meal.
Mmm...spaghetti, garlic bread, cookies and coffee! :)
After that Matthew and I went to hang out with some of his household brothers. We watched an interesting movie and played a board game.
Here's what I wore:
Shirt - Plato's Closet, Sweater - TJ Maxx, Belt - Target
Skirt - Forever 21, Shoes - Target
 O hey :P
He's so handsome :)

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
God Bless

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Sadie Hawkins & other things

First off, I'm going to show off my adorable friend Molly's outfit for the Sadie Hawkins dance last night:
The color is gorgeous, the fit is really flattering and it is really modest :] I loved it.
yuppss, I'm wearing jeans :P
I didn't go to the dance but I got to hang out with Matthew instead. We watched weird YouTube videos, prayed a rosary, drank tea and just hung out. Cuz he's awesome :D
Here's what I wore today:
Skirt - originally from J.Crew.. I got it from Avalon Exchange for 6 bucks :P
shirt - Forever 21
It's not exactly fall weather but I want it to be really badly. So I'mma dress like it is. heh.
boots - Nordstrum Rack
Scarf - Target
Have a wonderful, incredible, fantabulous day :)

Thursday, September 13, 2012


I was studying in the library and get the text "You is in library?! i is in library too!" from Matthew, he comes over and we get to talk (quietly, of course) for a little bit :) Even if it's just for a few moments it still brightens up my day to get to see him. It hasn't been the best week but today I can see the little ways God is helping me out: My roommate shook me awake and "made me" go run (which I wanted to do.. I was just being a bum & over sleeping) and then I see Matthew :] yay!
I'mma just throw in some photos we took on my laptop last week - cuz that's how I rroollllll,man.
I clearly love him :D
I hope you're having a great day & God bless!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Loves Lately...


That Awesome Moment When...

 ...I couldn't sleep so I walked about 100 feet down my hall to the adoration chapel at 1am :)
...I woke up for 6:30am Mass and then went running right after, seeing this gorgeous sight:
taken with my iPod touch
...I push myself to run longer than usual - especially awesome since it was after a weekend of cake & chocolate!
...I get dressed & like what I'm wearing:
shoes- Target
earrings- Forever 21
shirt- Target 
skirt- Passport to Peru
...I creep on my boyfriend's Facebook and find the awesome band Come Wind. This song has been stuck in my head:
"We're all made from dirt...We are all the same,we are all the same. By His breath we were made
and we all have one name. None of us would have escaped the flood, but by such sweet love,
we are all the same."

God bless! Have a great day :)

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Hey! So I got this headband for my 18th birthday yesterday:
 I love it :) it's so pretty plus my bangs have been getting way too long lately <.<
I knew I wanted to wear it today so I started with the headband and built the outfit to match.
I am just the definition of studious...
 ...yeaa right...
I am a failure and getting full-length shots so these awkward photos will have to do :P
Also... I got bored.. and...yea...these photos happened:
The lighting was fun and I just really miss dance :(

God bless & have a wonderful Sunday!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Divine Wisdom

Divine Wisdom, I love Thee unto folly. I am Thy lover.
Thou alone in this world I seek, Thou alone I desire.
I am a man gone mad with love, forever chasing Thee.

Tell me who Thou art, for I am half blind.
I can discern only that Thou art a secret I must fathom.
Show Thyself fully to my soul which dies for love of Thee.

Where dost Thou live, Wisdom Divine?
Must I cross continents or seas to find Thee,
Or fly across the skies?
I am ready to go wherever Thou art,
Not counting the costs, to possess Thee.

-- St. Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort

Saturday, September 1, 2012

God, My Constant Companion

"The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower."-Psalm 18:2

This is the verse that keeps coming to my mind right now at the end of my first week of school. It's been an eventful week, full of emotions and stress and frustration. There are so many unfamiliar faces to get to know, and a lot familiar faces that I wish could be there, but God has plans for them elsewhere. But despite all the differences and the changes and even the problems, I know that God has it all under control. 

See, basically the only thing that's not different this year, is that the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist is still present in the Adoration Chapel just sixty steps away from the door of my school. So whenever I get overwhelmed with all the chaos of school and of life, I know that there's one thing that will never change that I can always go to to find peace. 

Jesus, You are my constant companion.