My spring break has consisted of a road trip down to Florida for a softball tournament. I wasn't too excited but actually was a bit was annoyed I wasn't getting a relaxing break but the beauty I've found here is so refreshing.
On the drive down, we went through hilly West Virginia and Virginia. I don't see alot of mountains where I'm from and I was just stunned by the beauty of an open plain of mountain peek behind mountain peek, stretching as far as the eye could see. I tried to capture it via camera but nothing did it justice.
We stopped overnight in Hilton Head, South Carolina. The first thing we did after dropping our bags at the hotel was to run over to the beach. Now, I'm not usually a beach person but this was gorgeous. The sun was setting, waves crashing, beautiful clean sand -- my heart, guys, my heart. I was taking pictures left and right, trying to capture this beauty.
As I write this post I'm sitting on a patio watching the rain fall causing the pool to ripple and move, the trees to wave in the breeze and just allow a refreshing break from the sunny Florida weather. I love rain so much. I am so thankful :)
I've always felt close to God through nature. Peter J. Kreeft once wrote: "It is beautiful. 'The beauty of creation explains the infinite beauty of the Creator.' (CCC 341) The doctrine of creation explains why we find nature so beautiful and satisfying, why it moves us so and makes us happy." I do however think there can be a misunderstanding about Catholics and their nature lovin'. Often when I think of those who really love nature my mind jumps to hippies: "be free, hate society and be one with nature, man. Ooh, and there's no God. Mamma Earth is in charge."
>.< A'ight.
People often go to nature as a God replacement, which in a way makes sense. He created all this beauty, they long for Him but won't admit it, and so go to creation but won't admit the Creator. They think they're winning and avoiding the "God problem" but they are really missing out. As Catholics and adoring the Creator Himself, we can fully embrace His beauty through creation.
God is a friggin' genius ( to say the least ). Look at all the millions of different animals He made with all their little quirks and funny habits. Look all the variety in the earth: mountains, lakes, rivers, trees, oceans, rain, snow, sunsets and sunrises... and each is as beautiful as the next. Anybody who thinks God is boring clearly hasn't accepted Him as the source of all this crazy beautiful awesomeness.