I haven't done this for awhile and I think I really need to so here's a little list of things for which I'm particularly grateful for:
I love creeping on nuns. I seriously just watch them. They are just so happy, joyful and truly at peace. Ahhhh nuns... what bosses.
Awesome people:
I've been hanging out with and talking to alot more people that I usually do and it's teaching me the value of just opening up and conversing with others.
Scones & Coffee:
Need I explain? Didn't think so.
I was dreading it at first but being forced to exercise 1 1/2 -2hrs 5 days a week really helps my mood, stress levels and body image. It's fun :]
This guy:
He makes me so happy. We both tend to be high-stress people but God has given us each other to goof off and find Joy again.
My Icon:
I lost my old icon but my friend Joe bought me a new one as a Christmas present. I love it. I set it out on my desk during class or when I need to do homework. It's a reminder of Who I'm doing this for and how much support I have.
Poetry, Literature and Discussions of the Two:
After loads of tedious homework, you look at your planner and see all your have left to do is... read poetry. Gah! I love me some poetry. One of my classes this semester is 'Studies in Poetry' -- I love it so much. I adore writing. I can't wait to see how much I've improved after I finish my degree here.
Let me clarify: I love snow when it's falling and I'm inside, safely watching. *wimp status!* =D
Just chillin'. Not saying anything. Just being with the Lord of all.
Those are just a few for now... God bless!