Thursday, March 22, 2012

Now You're Free...and it Sets You Apart

 "Now you're free and it sets you apart" This song got across a very important point to me right when I needed it. For years I had been struggling with certain sins that had really (it's sad to say) consumed my life. Last year, God changed alot of things in my life and helped me conquer those sins. But one thing kept nagging at me, luring me back. "Now that I don't have those problems," I thought " There's nothing special about me any more." It felt as if I had lost the only things that defined me or set me apart. 
*sigh* That's the devil for ya.
Once he loses the grip he had on you, he tries to make you think "you are nothing without this. you aren't special. you are nothing." He sees you growing stronger and breaking free but he won't give you up easily. He wants to keep you in his power. He knows how dear you are to God who is his enemy. God will give you all the strength to fight but you must choose to fight this battle and not bow down to the enemy.  
"Now you're free and it sets you apart." Freedom is what sets you apart. Being yet another soul trapped in sin, believing lies, is no freedom. Never go back to those sins that held you captive. You are free! You are one step closer to our glorious Lord... and it sets you apart. :)

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