Monday, June 4, 2012

O Time...

As I sat at a picnic table in front of my old school building I was just thinking how fast things move. 6 years ago I was an angry little 7th grader forced to start at this "weird school full of religious sheltered kids" now I'm a graduate of that same school who finally appreciates the beauty of the Latin Mass, choral music, and how the truths we learn all point to He who is Truth itself. I've learned to see everything as being connected and ordered to our end. In another 6 years I'll be a college graduate and maybe even married; after another 6, I might have kids and so forth until I'm dead and gone. What will my earthly accomplishments matter then? What will anything matter unless it has been redeemed by Christ? All my efforts will be a waste unless they are for the glory of God or repentance for sins.
I don't like change. I don't like new places and new people; it scares me. How amazing is it that our God is eternal, never-changing? No matter how drastically things change around me, He will remain the same. O Lord, You are my shelter :)
my old school building


  1. Aww, great post! We'll miss you guys!

  2. Thank you Helen!! we'll miss you guys too. i'll miss you!
